Originally Posted by Air
I've been unemployed for months and I'm desperately looking for work. I'm looking specifically for an IT job, but really, anything will do at this point.
On an Internet job board, I noted in my profile that I knew basic Japanese, which I do, from taking a class that studied the first two volumes of Japanese for Busy People. I'm way past tourist-level Japanese, but I have trouble with every-day conversation.
So recently, I received a phone call for a company who viewed my profile, and they're interested in me doing IT work in a Japanese bank-- it requires proficiency of spoken and written Japanese (I'm not sure how much yet).
I don't really know what to do here. Should I try to fake it, or cram and try to understand the language, or just turn it down? All I know is, I really need a job and nobody else is calling.
Um, won't there be an interview at some point? Or did they offer the job to you sight unseen?
One would assume they'd determine your proficiency in the interview.