09-09-2009, 03:18 AM
Something I wrote as an exercise to keep my skills sharp.
I do it every day. Write a few lines about an emotion.
It really helps you improve your skills.
"Hate gripped me like a tigers fangs,
seeking to rip and tear apart it's preys flesh.
As if it wished to utterly devour it's recipient.
And until it was fully sated,
it felt as if it would ravage anything and everything it came into contact with."
"Know the smallest things and the biggest things, the shallowest things and the deepest things. As if it were a straight road mapped out on the ground ... These things cannot be explained in detail. From one thing, know ten thousand things. When you attain the Way of strategy there will not be one thing you cannot see. You must study hard." Miyamoto Musashi