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(#8 (permalink))
trunker (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 200
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Nagasaki
09-09-2009, 09:10 AM

its quite tricky here isnt it?

but you basically need to make the first move and initiate, and then put in the effort to nurture the friendship. its a pain in the ass.

but if you connect over something both of you like, like a hobby or passion then things are a tad easier. i've got my music thing, so i strike up conversations with anyone carrying around a musical instrument, or street performers, or i'll just wander into a studio or music shop.

it takes a while, but slowly warm up to you. a couple of singers by the eki now wave me over for a chat when i see them, and the family mart dude now knows my prefered brand of tabaco so whoohooo.

its early days yet, and i havent really connected with anyone yet, but i think its worth the effort, and sure as hell beats bumming around at home chatting with internet buddies.
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