Originally Posted by magixxx
I''ll be attending an interview soon, the interviewers are a jap boss and a local manager
any idea how i should greet them first? what are the formalities?
should i give a handshake and bow first or wait for them to initiate, and greet the jap boss in jap
"hajimemashite watashi mo XXXX desu, dozoyoroshiko onegai shimasu"
to give a good impression and then follow by normal english to the local manager and finally saying Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu and Eigo desu ka ?
the main mode of communication is english or i should just totally forget it and speak in english.
Is the interview for an English teacher?
Isn't a "manager" and "boss" the same?
Probably "hello, nice to meet you" with a hand shake.
Forget the JP formalities as you are not Japanese and I guess they wouldn't expect it from you.
You may make yourself look like a shcmuck if you attempt the local lingo