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(#183 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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09-11-2009, 07:01 AM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
The first part of the post is stating why I think people are having their reaction to having President Obama speak to their children. This is why this is even in the news. Its not because he wants them to stay in school, it was an issue for many for what he did leading up to the event. But this has been stated a zillion times over so far in this thead. I don't think there was any damage done by the president's speech. But the I understand why people had the initial reaction.
*There was no misrepresentation there.*
I assume you are talking about the "what can I do to help the president?" line? Despite the beliefs of several people here, the president doesn't have time to come up with homework assignments for the nation's children.

That quickly cancelled suggested assignment came from the Dept. of Education. So putting those words in quote marks from the president, to me, is a misrepresentation.

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
The second part is not lambasting someone oversimplifying.
1. When someone writes the bottom line is a majority of Americans are selfish are would basically throw everyone under the bus at the thought of helping another is not just oversimplifying. Thats ridiculous. I'll call anyone out who thinks those are the facts. But you don't want to go there.

2. If you think that was lambasting then maybe you should take off those sun glasses and reread what was the original post because if you were to take that to any public place in America you would see what lambasting really is.

I'm just hoping that the only reason no one had replied to such a post up to this point is because they assume he is just a troll. I'm quite weak to resist such flame bait when something like that is written.

I think you attempt to defend his or like post by pointing out such a small indisgretion, if any, in my form of retort is quite petty on your part.
My post was not written not to defend his words (which I certainly don't agree with) but to point out that you came out with elbows flying making some bold sweeping and not necessarily factual statements (as I pointed out above) but were quick to point out when Sinestra did basically the same thing.
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