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Columbine (Offline)
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09-11-2009, 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by GTJ View Post
Actually I think it does change the fact. (Not taking a tone with ya, just to clarify; I'm just stating my opinion ) Because in America at that time of the war, Americans called the Japanese "japs" as a racial insult. It remains to this day to be considered a racial slur in America to refer to anyone of Asian origin (because most Americans can't tell Asians apart) a "jap". In the UK, you don't have that same context and cultural tension as we do leftover from the internment era. At least, I don't think. I've been wrong before.
HAHAHAH oh my, I'm sorry, but that's so at odds with my experiences. There's still tension held against asia here in the UK. Not so much with my generation or that of my parents, but there's a lot of hatred from my grandparent's generation. Sure, the term 'Jap' isn't used as much or is considered as bad a word here, but then, whenever i've heard someone of that age want to commit a racial slur against the Japanese they just used 'slit eyed monsters'.
'Jap' almost seems friendly in comparison.
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