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(#12 (permalink))
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spoonybard (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 447
Join Date: Sep 2009
09-11-2009, 06:32 PM

^^^ YAAAAAAY!!!!!

Man, I believe that the problem we have here are all the companies that publish the stuff. TOKYOPOP and Viz Media are THE BIG ONES over here. Yes there are others, however, these two are the most prominent. Curiously, much of their stuff belongs to different companies in Japan.

For example, Soul Eater and Fullmetal Alchemist belong to Square Enix, and are published in Shonen Gangan(it's like Shonen Jump, but BIGGER, and loaded with Squenix info). Another issue is that some anime games aren't published here because of the different companies responsible for the series over here.
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