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clintjm (Offline)
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09-11-2009, 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
maybe it is but thats how i see it and thats how i have seen it especially since i had time to step out of this country and look at it from a distance.
That makes even less sense...
Looking at something from a distance makes you see how things are?

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
I spent time watching many of those town hall meetings and im sorry but they sound selfish deep majority of us are selfish and self preservation comes to the forefront when we feel like we are going to lose something.
So basically because of couple of uninformed few voicing their distaste in townhalls for what they to believe to be "huge government" makes a majority of all Americans quote:
Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
"Bottom line majority of Americans are selfish and only want change if it directly benefits them not their neighbor or the homeless guy on the street who ran into some bad luck. When they feel like they are going to lose something to the next guy then they get all up and arms and start clinging to religion and guns therefore the whole of country suffers from their lack on insight. "

People at town halls (the opposition to the government plan) American's feel everyday we are losing something with this kind of government as we watch the country go into uncontrolled debt while we sacrifice ourselves for others who don't want to help themselves, in helping other parts of the world and in fighting those who want to destroy America. We are told 50 million can't get insurance but when you take out the ones who would rather spend their money else where, you get estimates like 8 million who can't afford gold plated insurance. From that 8 million you have the portion in the poverty level, where their are existing programs that they are simply not aware of. No one knows the true number but you understand the reasoning of fear because of these unknowns?[/quote]

There is a cost of health care problem in America, no one is debating that, but clearing the slate, starting a new giant government program while not attacking the true health care problem is WHY you see the country divided down the middle on this issue.

The fact that some want to avoid the problems this plan because they believe it being unsustainable and something the country can't afford at the cost of helping what some believe is only 5% - 10% of the entire population doesn't make quote:

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
"Bottom line majority of Americans are selfish and only want change if it directly benefits them not their neighbor or the homeless guy on the street who ran into some bad luck. When they feel like they are going to lose something to the next guy then they get all up and arms and start clinging to religion and guns therefore the whole of country suffers from their lack on insight. "

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
When i hear people say they would rather keep a broken system them try to find an alternative i want to cry.
All want health care costs down... They just don't believe what Obama is serving up is going to do it nor can we afford. No one wants a worse situation than we have now. Obama is presenting a solution that no one can successfully prove is sustainable or achievable.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Second what America has done in the past has no baring on what im talking about now. So dont even bring that to the front. Americans tend to help other countries before we help each other and thats a problem.
That shouldn't be written as "in the past" its true today too.
Really, I think it has every baring.
You say we help other countries but the majority of Americans are selfish etc(see your quote).
You contradict yourself.
The American mindset is incompatible with being a super power and not doing what we do for the world.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Not that we shouldn't help others but sometimes we do it at the expense of Americans. You took the world selfish and used the most extreme term to define your point. However i will concede that 99.9% was over the top i was a little heated at the time i wrote my post, however my remarks about selfishness still stands and not to the degree of throwing babies in rivers and dinning on puppy and kitten stew as you so stated. Its quite obvious what i stating as others have already gotten what i was trying to say.
I have no problem with your doing a 180 here. But then two sentences down you say you stand by the remarks for the original post stand.

I say the majority are Americans are NOT what you say.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Am I bitter yes i am im bitter about homelessness, im bitter about people not having health care, im bitter about people honestly thinking that their something wrong with the president telling children to do well in school. Yea you could say im bitter that does not mean i dont want to see the country flourish or for our deep rooted problems to be fixed and its going to take all citizens not being selfish in order to fix certain problems. Its not about being opposed to Obama's plan its about what has been rearing its ugly head lately.
Its fine to be bitter about such items of dispare in America, but your blame and mindset presenting that "insert your original crazy post" is beyond overboard. There will ALWAYS be people like this in the world, but do you really think a majority?

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
If your going to call me a troll you might want to look up the definition of the term since i am certainly not one. I am active member on this forum daily and take part in these kind of discussions frequently your point is mute.
Daily participants can be trolls too. Maybe I went overboard in calling you one or using the incorrect word for what you are, but if someone posts something as ridiculous as.. the majority of American, the majority of Japanese, the majority of <insert group> are blah blah blah... expect a follow-up.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
But in the spirit of having a positive i apologize if i offended you this was not my intention. This is a very important issue to me and iv seen very disappointing behavior as of late from Americans.
Oh brother....
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