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Naoko (Offline)
Evil Muffin 奈央子
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09-11-2009, 09:14 PM

Honestly...I just look at all this and shake my head. For those who don't think that his race had anything to do with it, think again. Please be intelligent enough to not ignore the fact that racism does exist actively in this country. Just because there's a black man in office doesn't mean it suddenly disappeared. It's easy to deny something when it doesn't directly hit on you. However, I was spit on by a white person not more than a week after the inauguration because "All of you n*****s put that p.o.s. in the WHITE house!!"

Funny thing is, I didn't even vote, heh.

Do I think all white people are like that? Nope. Will I forget or ignore that there are people (white or otherwise) who think like that? Nope. I've sat and listened to people's conversations about potential policies, and sometimes I get to hear two people having an intelligent, unbiased discussion. They are truly just not happy with those policies. Then there are others who have no foundation to their issues aside from "I don't trust anything 'that man' says."

Okay...fair enough. Why?

"Just because." <= That's not doing it for me. From what I've seen, this man hasn't done anything wrong. I could throw a "yet" in there, but if you want to see it that way, you need to look at every past and future president in the same light. Do I not agree with some of the approaches to his policies? No. I think parts of the healthcare plan needs to be revamped. Am I completely opposed? No. At least he's TRYING. Instead of spitting out negative crap, why don't people try sending in a letter or something stating what parts they don't like, why, and what they feel could be done to IMPROVE it. It's called constructive criticism. People need to get with the plan.

He fails. We ALL fail.

It's obvious the news reporters are bored. When you have nothing better to report than how the First Lady wore shorts when she was hiking in near 100 degree heat, I think it's time to find a new career. Other presidents practically LIVED on vacation...yet this man takes one - not to mention, he was working during said vacation, and it ended early - and people blow a gasket.

Just, grr. I can feel myself getting upset..and it has nothing to do with the President. It's coming from having to live day to day among people who really do believe in this foolishness, and are ignorant enough to be satisfied with it. It's like the only thing the majority of this country likes is fear-mongering, and terribly misplaced assertions of someone's ability. It's like a pack of bitter women...all feeding off drama. All while our country crumbles because of it. It's sad to watch.

外人警報発令中!!!! ヽ(`Д')ノ
My Japanese still sucks. Feel free to correct me! Any constructive criticism is appreciated.((どうも、ナゴナゴさん!!))
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