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09-11-2009, 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The problem is, SSJup81, there was no culture of paranoia...not only culture, but industry of paranoia surrounding Bush, Sr. and Reagan. So what's the difference? Is it his age, level of experience, color, non-traditional background? Any of these things? All of these things? I don't know. But I just read a partial transcript of Rush Limbaugh's show from yesterday, and it is nothing short of fear-mongering. Here are a couple quotes:

LIMBAUGH: He is lying, President Obama is, from the moment he opens his mouth until he ends the speech. I was shouting "You're lying!" throughout the speech at the television. "You're lying! It's a lie!" Joe Wilson simply articulated what millions of Americans were saying.

LIMBAUGH: If you want to talk about demeaning the chamber, the president of the United States demeaned the chamber last night. He showed up and lied through his teeth. He was petulant, he was mean-spirited, he was angry, he was arrogant, conceited, condescending, but more than anything else, he lied through his teeth. And everybody knows it.

LIMBAUGH (as Obama): I'm in the process of destroying your country. I don't like it at all. I don't like this Constitution. It wasn't written for me. I never had a chance to vote for it. I've been saddled with it, and my people have been saddled with it, and my party has been saddled with it, and we hate this Constitution....The first thing I can do if I had a chance is rip the Constitution to shreds. I know we're not to the point I can do that yet in front of you, so I'm going to do it while you can't see me doing it, all the while telling you I support what you support.

This guy talks like this for three or four hours a day, then turn off the mic, light up a cigar and watch Beck and Hannity and all the other cable pundits do it all night.

My point is, there is an industry of people that get paid a lot of good money to tear the president apart for several hours a day. They don't have to fact check or show any responsibility, because they are not "journalists". The problem is there are people that 1) trust them and 2) hang on their every word. Rush Limbaugh cannot possibly believe all the lies that come out of his mouth, but the problem is there are people that do.

What it does is slowly create a culture where elected and respected officials will yell things at the president while he is speaking. One person I was talking to recently said she has lost respect for the office of the president, she hated Obama so much. It's one thing to not like the man, but to go so far as to no longer respect the office of president is a fantastic leap in common sense. I think another example is the topic of this thread.
MMM was this quoted from his radio show directly after his speech? I make it a point to try not to listen to Limbaugh's antics but the last portion on that statement was astonishing even for Rush. Rush gets paid big bucks to stir up the fear mongers. Do i think he believes half of the crap he spews out his mouth i really dont know. Do you have a link to his what he said?

If anyone thinks that race has no baring on how some people feel about this man being in office then they are obviously choosing to close their eyes. The fact that someone said i must be an Obama supporter because im black tells me a bit of what some of us already know. I do like Obama and yes i voted for him do i agree with everything he has done no, do i agree with his health care plan 100% no. But im willing to give him some room to try to fix a broken system in which people die in hospitals thats right IN HOSPITALS every year. There have been several cases this year alone of people dying in waiting rooms because of lack insurance and long wait times because of it.

Now the thing is the mood in Washington is a bit different than a lot of places. Im in D.C. everyday and i live in suburbs so i see the inner city side and i see the middle class side and their is not as much "fear" around here as their is other states. Maybe people who live far from the capital feel displaced or out of touch with this new president. So when they hear people like Rush they believe him because he is a so called "political expert".

I will never understand how someone could want to see him fail. I didnt like George Bush but i never wished for him to fail. For the govornment to fail it hurts us all.

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