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09-11-2009, 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I am assuming it was the next morning.

Here is where I found it

And I think you are right, Rush isn't speaking to people in Washington DC, because for the most part they don't listen (they are too educated) but he is speaking to people in places farther away that do not feel connected to Washington.
hum wow thats all i can really say im still taken back by it. It actually hurt me so much to read those statements im at a loss for words. These kinds of statements really piss me off and sometimes i stick my foot i my mouth as shown earlier lol but seriously i really dont understand this guy i dont get his angle.

In the metropolitan area (Washington DC, Maryland, N Virigina) there is a lot of discussion about the health care topic. You can hear in the local Starbucks in Georgetown, on the metro, or in some local hangouts of lobbyist and diplomats. But its got a different feel than what iv seen on Tv or have read in papers. A lot of my customers work for the governement they buy cars from us and even just casually talking to them about whats going even if we disagree i dont see the hate or animosty i read about or see. I think your right given population of educated people in area who are not as likely to listen to Rush's show.

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