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samurai007 (Offline)
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09-12-2009, 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
MMM was this quoted from his radio show directly after his speech? I make it a point to try not to listen to Limbaugh's antics but the last portion on that statement was astonishing even for Rush. Rush gets paid big bucks to stir up the fear mongers. Do i think he believes half of the crap he spews out his mouth i really dont know. Do you have a link to his what he said?

If anyone thinks that race has no baring on how some people feel about this man being in office then they are obviously choosing to close their eyes. The fact that someone said i must be an Obama supporter because im black tells me a bit of what some of us already know. I do like Obama and yes i voted for him do i agree with everything he has done no, do i agree with his health care plan 100% no. But im willing to give him some room to try to fix a broken system in which people die in hospitals thats right IN HOSPITALS every year. There have been several cases this year alone of people dying in waiting rooms because of lack insurance and long wait times because of it.

Now the thing is the mood in Washington is a bit different than a lot of places. Im in D.C. everyday and i live in suburbs so i see the inner city side and i see the middle class side and their is not as much "fear" around here as their is other states. Maybe people who live far from the capital feel displaced or out of touch with this new president. So when they hear people like Rush they believe him because he is a so called "political expert".

I will never understand how someone could want to see him fail. I didnt like George Bush but i never wished for him to fail. For the govornment to fail it hurts us all.
Since 98% of black voters voted for Obama, it's not a stretch to say "Oh, you're black, you must be an Obama supporter." It was racist of many black voters that looked only at skin color and voted on that basis alone, IMO. If 98% of whites voted for McCain, you'd DEFINITELY hear about how racist that is, how whites obviously voted based on skin color alone, and that it was shameful. And rightfully so. So why are we supposed to pretend otherwise when 98% of black voters voted against the white guy?

Second, a whole lot of Leftists wanted Bush to fail. They did not support the war, or in many cases, even the troops. They wanted to pull out before the job was done, before Bush could "succeed". Everyone from Murtha to Kerry to Reid and Pelosi, to Obama himself, criticized Bush and didn't want him to succeed in the war on terror, or in a host of other efforts and programs. It's revisionist history to claim otherwise.

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