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(#209 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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09-12-2009, 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Since 98% of black voters voted for Obama, it's not a stretch to say "Oh, you're black, you must be an Obama supporter." It was racist of many black voters that looked only at skin color and voted on that basis alone, IMO. If 98% of whites voted for McCain, you'd DEFINITELY hear about how racist that is, how whites obviously voted based on skin color alone, and that it was shameful. And rightfully so. So why are we supposed to pretend otherwise when 98% of black voters voted against the white guy?

Second, a whole lot of Leftists wanted Bush to fail. They did not support the war, or in many cases, even the troops. They wanted to pull out before the job was done, before Bush could "succeed". Everyone from Murtha to Kerry to Reid and Pelosi, to Obama himself, criticized Bush and didn't want him to succeed in the war on terror, or in a host of other efforts and programs. It's revisionist history to claim otherwise.
I don't think it is fair to say democratic politicians wanted the war to fail. Different people have different definitions of success and whether proceeding was a good idea for America or not, but I don't think you would find anyone in Washington that truly wanted (or wants) America to lose in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I have heard of no one that was anti-troop, even if they were against the war. Anti-war protesters learned that lesson in Vietnam and in Gulf War I. There may be private individuals who are anti-troop, but again, I I haven't seen anything out of Washington to support that.
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