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clintjm (Offline)
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09-12-2009, 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

This guy talks like this for three or four hours a day, then turn off the mic, light up a cigar and watch Beck and Hannity and all the other cable pundits do it all night.
This is bad? Thats sounds like he is doing his job.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

My point is, there is an industry of people that get paid a lot of good money to tear the president apart for several hours a day. They don't have to fact check or show any responsibility, because they are not "journalists". The problem is there are people that 1) trust them and
Its not just the president, its the government in general.
To not have a check in your government officials only leads to ruin.

"The Problem(s)" as you put can also be said for government and up to the highest office. 1) Blind Trust 2) Hang on every word.

Of course they have to have fact checks... this is how they stay on the air. They have to have responsibility or they will lose face. This is why people listen. They present what they believe to be the facts for the information that can be backed up.

How else did Van Jones get canned? This is why the people stood up to the recent government spending of buying over half a billion on new jets while scolding others for not flying commercial.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

2) hang on their every word. Rush Limbaugh cannot possibly believe all the lies that come out of his mouth, but the problem is there are people that do.
Its a fact that presidents and governments have lied before.
Corruption will always exist.

With this line of thinking you might as shut down the internet of any type public communication.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
What it does is slowly create a culture where elected and respected officials will yell things at the president while he is speaking.
That has to be one of the most ridiculous views I've seen in a while.
Do you really think that a talk show host made Joe Wilson yell "you lie" at an inappropriate time?

Do you really believe the majority of people are being brained washed by talk show hosts and can't decide for themselves based on what they believe to be true? You don't believe anyone does a fact check on what they hear or read in such a forum?

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
One person I was talking to recently said she has lost respect for the office of the president, she hated Obama so much. It's one thing to not like the man, but to go so far as to no longer respect the office of president is a fantastic leap in common sense. I think another example is the topic of this thread.
Did you bother to ask the person you were talking to why she hated Obama so much? Its seems odd that you think because one can lose the respect for the office of the president is lack of common sense. There are many reasons why one could with any of the most recent presidents. Because of the promises and track record of the current president one could lose respect. To think this is a lack of common sense is nonsense.

Thanks to the freedoms allowed in America, we can. I think these shows make us think for ourselves and get the real facts.

If people blindly listen to these hosts or government without their own fact checks or thinking for themselves, then they are fools.

(Rush doesn't smoke anymore and that the golden EIB mic).
Okay now I'm just pushing buttons.. He does come off as a vain guy, but thats his gig. No one should believe what
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