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09-12-2009, 02:27 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Since 98% of black voters voted for Obama, it's not a stretch to say "Oh, you're black, you must be an Obama supporter." It was racist of many black voters that looked only at skin color and voted on that basis alone, IMO. If 98% of whites voted for McCain, you'd DEFINITELY hear about how racist that is, how whites obviously voted based on skin color alone, and that it was shameful. And rightfully so. So why are we supposed to pretend otherwise when 98% of black voters voted against the white guy?
Samurai i have black friends who did not vote for Obama yes they preferred MacCain. I still wouldn't walk up to some and judge them by their skin color on something that happen. I know how it feels to be stereotyped because of skin color i would never do it to another. There are blacks who voted for him because of his skin color and did not care about what he had to say, yes some black people thought yes it finally our turn and voted but not every black person was like that. I am not above voting across party lines if i like the other guy. I dont want to be stereotyped and i gave the guy an example later of how it feels to be stereotyped an lets just say he wouldnt look me in the eye for the rest of the day.

Hes proud of his long lineage which happens to have strong roots in the south and the midwest i remember because he talked about how big his family was and we got to talking family history one day. I told him his ancestors must have been slave owners and probably shot at native Americans after all your white and your family hails from the south. He got a sense of what it felt like after i said that. I do see your point but i dont like being stereotyped because of my race.

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