Originally Posted by Yuna7780
No, because I have the choice to not watch it and I know there would probably be in school consequences if I refuse to watch it. I don't want to be forced to do something I don't want to do that I highly oppose. Why should I suffer consequences for refusing to watch a message from our president? He does not and SHOULD NOT control the media in my direction for something I can't "flip the channel" on.
I don't want to be forced to do things I don't want to do on a daily basis. Unfortunately that is often a part of life.
But on the other hand I have not heard of any school actually forcing students to watch the president's speech against their will. Was this the case at your school?
But I would ask you, are you not supposed to listen to your teacher? Your coach? Your principal? Listening to people that have responsibility and control over your life is a part of life. Did you not want to listen simply because you had a choice, or was there another reason?
Originally Posted by Yuna7780
lol. I was thinking about Mao when I first heard about this. I'm not saying Obama is Mao, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.
Someone else wasn't able to answer this question, so I hope you can. What about President Obama speaking to encourage American school children reminds you of Chairman Mao?