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clintjm (Offline)
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09-12-2009, 05:34 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

I agree with you. But on the other hand Blind Mistrust and Condemning every word can not only be just as bad, it can be worse.
At least you know what you are getting when you flip on his show.
Its not the "Let's celebrate government" with your host Rush.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

LIMBAUGH: He is lying, President Obama is, from the moment he opens his mouth until he ends the speech.

LIMBAUGH: If you want to talk about demeaning the chamber, the president of the United States demeaned the chamber last night. He showed up and lied through his teeth. He was petulant, he was mean-spirited, he was angry, he was arrogant, conceited, condescending, but more than anything else, he lied through his teeth. And everybody knows it.

This in not investigative language, this is divisive language. There is no fact checking and counter-pointing. It is just sweeping accusations...not even accusations. These are sweeping statements based on nothing but Rush Limbaugh's desire to get payed. He is the Insane Clown Posse of right-wing punditry, though he is more successful.
Last time I listened, he quotes his sources and give you his commentary. You have every right to disagree with his commentary and take as much as he has his right to give it.

Are you just angry at the "Insane Clown's" success? Sounds like it to me.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

I noticed you didn't address any of the quotes I put up from Rush Limbaugh. Those statements are not fact-checked and are not factual.
<sigh> If I must...
You know, it goes both way last I checked... I think I remember a little something in the presidents speech about “It is a lie, plain and simple made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts, but prominent politicians.” “Such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible,”... On the very speech Limbaugh was going on about. I don't see much difference, nor do I see much about Limbaugh's opinion isn't shared with much of the nation. Heck, just flip it over to NPR and get an ear full now a days. Log on to CNN...

You state "They are not factual". That is your opinion.. Rush's opinion is that they are... what makes this different?

Its as if you think people can't think for themselves and determine what is fact and what is opinion. Would you like the people on the Internet and on Talk show to state "The following I know is a fact " "The following is my opinion"?

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I agree that investigative reporting is essential and government corruption should be exposed and broadcast. I will keep my opinions of Van Jones to myself, but his idiocy was exposed and he was forced to go. That is the right thing to have happen.
Conservative talk radio shows are not investigative, their opinions and commentary on the news and theories. Larger ones can be considered "think tank", just in a different form.

Way to go on keeping your opinions to yourself...
but I'm not disagreeing with you on it.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

And it government and presidents will lie again. That's not my point.
Well you seem angry at the commentary Rush presented above...thats the jist of what Rush is saying right?
What is the point?

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

You said With this line of thinking you might as shut down the internet of any type public communication.

Where that came from I have no idea. Taking the idea that non-journalistic broadcasters should take responsibility for their words and turning that into "shut down the Internet" is a slippery slope on a hill I was no where near.
I think your going on the path of Rush being a powerful well know voice on a nationalized accessible media (radio), and that he should be responsible for what he says. I mean I see nothing in the quote from Rush above that is irresponsible.

If Rush were to go on the air and say "Kill all democrats" that would be irresponsible.

Here was the point I was trying to make, but I think I wasn't clear:

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Rush Limbaugh cannot possibly believe all the lies that come out of his mouth, but the problem is there are people that do.
Basically you want to stop such comments from Rush (like the one your quoted) because you feel there is a problem that some people may tend to agree and believe his opinion.

People do this everyday in all kinds of forms on the Internet, in Newspapers etc.. If you say stop this guy Rush from his opinion, stop the internet, stop any kind of free thought...

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

I don't think it is ridiculous. People like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly have worked for many hours a day to help create a culture where disrespecting not just the man, but the office of the president is not only OK and normal, but is patriotic. And not only the president, but all elected officials.
You are welcome to that opinion as well, but otherse feel the opposite when government belittles them as demonstrated by elected officials (and the President) in the town halls, and this last speech.

I think the culture created by these groups are simply galvanizing people to wake up before government swallows the nation.

The government serves the people, not the other way around.
We don't serve the president, the president represents the people of the United States.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

To broadcast that the president wants to tear apart the Constitution with such there no responsibility? I don't know how many times he has said it, but it was more than once on Thursday...I would be surprised to hear that is the first time.
Can't someone have an opinion about the President or government not following the consititution.
By what I'm reading, you feel that someone with an audience shouldn't be allowed to voice any opposition.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

Of course I did. I signed a petition on Facebook which led to several people attacking me. She was one of them. When I asked the question suddenly she was tired and needed to go to bed (there were other questions I had she couldn't answer). There are corrupt police. Does that mean all police shouldn't be trusted? Some coaches and teachers molest their students. Does that mean all teachers and coaches are not trustworthy? Some troops in Iraq have committed crimes...does that mean we shouldn't support our troops?
I'm not sure what petition you are talking about, or why the person she hates you lost me there.

Well from this I'm guessing your drawing the analogy "because there is government corruption we shouldn't trust any government"
No, you will still interact with government as you will with police or whomever, but again I think from these shows/people and commentart/opinions that you should learn to question and be aware of what corruption may exist.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

You think Rush Limbaugh gives you the real facts? These are all political entertainment shows. I agree with you, people need to search for the facts on their own. Unfortunately the vast majority of people don't do that. Is that Rush's fault? No, of course not. But if they did he would probably be out of a job.
Its commentary and opinions. The guy states his sources, gives his commentart on it... gives opinions and theory. Its not the Rush Public Service announcement show. Its not news radio. It is political entertainment... you got it... but you act like people don't know this and they are being brain washed into a culture of "You lie" in an address by the president. Good god man, the public are not borg drones.

So basically you leave it at there wouldn't be these shows if people followed up on their commentary and opinions... and thus the people that listen to Rush and friends that don't know this is opinion and commentary and will believe whatever they say ... that it will change their way of thinking... and the political entertainment commentary hosts are irresponsible for doing what they do?

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