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JF Ossan
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09-12-2009, 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
Going to play the Hitler comparison are we? To be fair, lets post some links to the audio or the transcript. Throw in Beck's "Obama is racists" too.

I would say if Rush said "Obama is hitler" "Hitler killed so many and Obama is too" "Kill Obama because he is the new Hitler" that is irresponsible.... But if he was comparing polictal tatics simularities..., which he was, that is just shock jock commentary... and you have to have the education of a first grader to believe Obama is the next Hitler.. or be a wacko.

Are you going to have wackbags call Obama as evil as Adolf Hitler? Sure... they are fulfilling there role as wackbakgs..

Is it a good idea to keep his listerners? Rush thought so...
He knows his listeners and assums they are sane.

If you think that is irresponsible... so be it....
Obama telling people opposed to his plan to get out of the way... is also irresponsible.
I am not the one playing the Hitler comparison, it is Rush Limbaugh.


Here....sad stuff

Rush defends Nazi comparison
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