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(#240 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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09-12-2009, 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
If you listen to the first clip, Rush is responding to Pelosi claiming that the healthcare protesters are carrying swastikas like Nazis. That propmted Rush to say "If you want to compare one side to Nazis, it is Obama that is a far better fit, not the American people upset at the healthcare takeover."

Second, I heard Rush that day, and he made a very clear point of saying "Of course Obama isn't going to create concentration camps and murder millions of people. That isn't what anyone is saying. The point, rather, is that he ruled by decree while claiming to represent the true will of the people, he sought to control the youth, he was an environmentalist, etc."
And samurai007 you are a savvy listener. Unfortunately the Rush Limbaugh Show doesn't completely cater to savvy listeners. If you listen to his show it in 90% explaining. He is explaining the state of the nation, Obama, liberalism, etc, in terms people who can't understand the evening news or have been taught to distrust the evening news. It's a daily diatribe of distrust against the government and our president. Just for the sake of the fact that he is a democrat.
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