09-12-2009, 10:45 AM
Read memoirs of one tankman, it was as a part of group of the Soviet officers which accepted tanks for the army (lendliz). Well about that what they opinions were about the American tanks, I think to speak it is not necessary. Whether they met tanks "General" on mine. Has surprised them and a construction, and track chain (of tanks) which in battle burnt out also much-much. it has not liked them. But... Tanks went straight from factories and it расказывает, that in all possible places found sendings with notes from workers of America. In a mouth, in cartridge containers, etc.
So I think at that time simple Americans to USSR sincerely helped.
From $43 billion, which USA the help, the Soviet Army which has routed 3/4 military hallows(powers) of Germany have selected(allocated) on Lendliz and other designs, has gained only 9 billion (20 %), while Britain - 30 billion
Deliveries broke permanently(were permanently disturbed). Though, of course, there was an engineering, the foodstuffs(food) the equipment, for what it(him) gratitude.
It is yet necessary to forget, that is parallel with deliveries in the USSR (not free by the way), the USA were delivered in huge sizes by(with) oil for needs of Germany.
The USA has quitted this war by financial centre of the world and till now reaps these fruits. For this reason, they can shoot now not so truthful films, spend huge money for ideology all over the world, including on the Internet
Anybody did not give to Soviet Union on lend-lizu anything. For all Soviet Union has settled up.
At first in million lives for a victory over Germany and clearing(release) of another's countries, then for lend-liz. And all it has made Russian people..
Last edited by AlexReal : 09-12-2009 at 11:27 AM.