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clintjm (Offline)
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09-12-2009, 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Please, Clint, don't put words in my mouth. I did not say all listeners of Rush were not savvy. However I do compare him to a news show because I believe a lot of listeners believe he is a journalist reporting news. All of them? No.

I don't think Rush is "brainwashing" people. This is a term people like to toss around. Maybe I am old fashioned or too literal, but I don't think Rush is brainwashing people, and I don't think Obama is either. I think some people need to look up "brainwash" in a dictionary.

It sounds like if you had your way, no one would be able to question or disagree with government and Rush and the like would be silenced and free speech would be out the door.

Did I really say anything to support this statement? If I did, show me.

I said questioning and scrutinizing the government is a good thing, and its our responsibility. However, stirring up a storm of hatred and mistrust just because it is your job is irresponsible. I didn't say Rush should be taken off the air, I said the people listening to him should check his "facts". The problem is they won't. That isn't his fault, but I believe he and other talk-show hosts should show more responsibility in the things they say. It's thanks to him we get people coming to town halls asking Congressmen "Why do you support Obama's Nazi policies?"

How is this opening the door to intelligent discussion? It isn't. It's a distraction, and that's what 90% of Rush and Hannity and Beck etc. shows are: distractions.
Okay okay... Don't want to put words in your mouth... to those FEWWWWW savvy listeners.
Well to those small few who you believe that can't tell the difference between a news program than to commentary/opinion, I would not say they are much of a threat. They would have to ahve a brain the size of a pea. So what are you worried about?
Originally Posted by MMM View Post
What it does is slowly create a culture where elected and respected officials will yell things at the president while he is speaking.
That is pretty much where I got the brainwashing...

You know ...even in the presidents last speech he rolled up opposing elected officials with talk radio... should those opposing elected officials be more responsible too? Wouldn't want the unsavvy to get confused and question anyone.

You know... what we need is legislation... to make people check other's facts... that would solve all this.....wait a minute... we are going to have to exclude fact checking on the government..... hold on ... this bill is getting kinda of lengthy....

Distractions to not following what your government tells you to do? We wouldn't want to encourage free thinking..
We sure can't have anyone stirring the pot. That would be horrible. One would call most of government legislation distractions.
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