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JF Ossan
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09-12-2009, 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
More and more, I think there are 2 Americas... a red state America and a blue state America. In red state America, that video of the kids was very, very common knowledge. There was a lot of talk about it when it first showed up:

Kids Sing for Change Obama Video | Bitten and Bound

Plus all the usuals like Rush, Fox News, and the rest. Yet many on the left are apparently ignorant of these videos, and many, many other things that came out during the campaign. These things, combined with statements from Obama about mandatory service for all youths in America, and creating a domestic force to rival the military, and creating a website where neighbors can rat out anyone spreading disinformation about health care or other issues, and so on and so on, give background context to a pledge for all school children to "help Obama" that you and others on the left, without that context, see as harmless, and don't understand why anyone else could possibly worry about it. If you had the proper context and knew what we know, you might be able to better understand it, or at least see where we're coming from. That's part of my mission here, to bring understanding...
The implication you are making is that red state Americans have access to information that blue state Americans don't. We are ignorant because we don't have all the information you do, but by sharing it with us, we will become educated and smart like you.

Sorry, I am not buying it.

If the vital issues are a music video of children and "What can I do to help the president?" then let me put on my William Shatner mask and say "Get a life." These aren't the issues, these are distractions FROM the issues.

But keep at it. The right laid an egg with the "issue" that is the topic of this thread, and I am sure they will lay some more. I am sure Obama will lay some eggs of his own and the two of us will probably come right here to point them out to each other.
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