Originally Posted by MMM
The implication you are making is that red state Americans have access to information that blue state Americans don't. We are ignorant because we don't have all the information you do, but by sharing it with us, we will become educated and smart like you.
Sorry, I am not buying it.
If the vital issues are a music video of children and "What can I do to help the president?" then let me put on my William Shatner mask and say "Get a life." These aren't the issues, these are distractions FROM the issues.
But keep at it. The right laid an egg with the "issue" that is the topic of this thread, and I am sure they will lay some more. I am sure Obama will lay some eggs of his own and the two of us will probably come right here to point them out to each other.
That was the exact same implication some folks here gave about the right, specifically listeners of Hannity and Rush. That they are ignorant, and only get their thoughts and ideas from what Rush tells them. That if only they'd watch MSNBC, NPR, and CBS, plus some more left-leaning websites, they'd learn the truth rather than simply subscribing brainlessly to the "fearmongering".
Well, many on the right feel it's the other way around... that listening and trusting only your leftwing sources, believing only what Keith Olbermann tells you to believe, you miss out on a whole lot of news and you're getting only 1 side of the story (for instance, the lefty media ignored the Van Jones controversy until the day he resigned or later, while Fox and others had been talking about it for a week or more before the resignation.). I watch both both conservative and non-conservative sources, I knew about both McCain and Obama flubs and flaps. I spent more time on left-wing sites than conservative ones during the election because I wanted to hear the other side. Heck, I was even a member of the Hillary Clinton Forum.
But I met a great many leftys on those sites that were utterly clueless about anything negative about their candidate. People who said they'd never even watched a Republican convention in their life, and didn't know where Republicans stood on the issues except what Democrats claimed they stood for. Some of these ignorant people literally hated or feared anyone who said they were Republican, and at the very least immediately made all kinds of assumptions about them (rich, white, racists, etc) because they'd had no exposure to anything other than the party line. It was sad, really.
These 2 videos are not the whole issue, they are emblematic of the deep divide in contextual background between the left and right, and without learning about these and a whole host of other things as well, folks are mystified why anyone could possibly worry about Obama speaking to the kids, and resort to "well, the only possible thing I can think of is racism, because all them Republicans are racist anyways, right? There couldn't possibly be any other reason..."