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(#257 (permalink))
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clintjm (Offline)
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09-12-2009, 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I hate having to repeat myself, but creating a culture where we slowly chip away at the respect we should have for the office of the president (not the man, the office) and "brainwashing" are different things.

And what am I worried about? It only takes one person with the brain the size of a pea to load a gun and go to a public speaking event.

Unfortunately the respect of the office in reality has to be earned today. Maybe it shouldn't be that way, but thats just the way its become. Past behaviour from past and present offices has brought it to this level. So really the office has made its own bed, chipped away at itself, and nothing really should shock anyone other than the continuing behavior of our government.

I understand your distinction between office and the person in the office. And I agree with that distinction.

But when the person in office is dividing the nation, while this person is supposed to be representing the nation, it is impossible for anyone to make that distinction and have respect for either. The last speech was no more than a post-compaign speech while showboating.

There hasn't been a majority respect for the office for a long while and frankly I think government really doesn't care if they have it or not. This administration is a perfect example.

Yes, you can point the finger at any anti-government speech in any form (book, article, blog, talk show, music etc.) and say some weak minded fool may decided to load a gun, but to silence free speech isn't the answer, and that sir, is what you proposing in so many words.
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