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09-13-2009, 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by hennaz View Post
It's no doubt that the whole world would change if China became the new superpower of the world. Other countries will receive more Chinese-made products and more schools in the richer countries will offer Mandarin classes (if I ever have children they would probably learn the Chinese language in school). However my main concerns with China is over it's poor human rights record, and especially the future of Tibet and Taiwan, both of which I'd like to see become independant. I'd probably like to go to China one day, but no matter what happens, my main interest will always be with Japan and their culture.
It seems that we have been badly brain-washed by out own countries' propaganda.
Apart from plitical right ( as westerned world defined one of the most important factors incoporated in Human right), Chinese poeple (including Tibeten, but not Taiwanes whoes domocracy is totaly a joke.)share their most human rights in the river of their 5000 long history.
People from UK like u have a strange thought, however mean u can imagine, as we have seen in the history. What Uk government would like to do is to rise the war or dispeace between countries or within one country, such Pakistan and India over Kashmir, China and India over Sounthern Tibet..
I think it would be most pleasant for to see China have been broken up into pieces Taiwan,TIbet,ShangHai,Fujian,ZHEJiang……
I have such a sympothy about the North Irealand to be invaded and annexed by UK.. and I wonder what ur opinnion about my response?
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