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(#34 (permalink))
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Rikku777 (Offline)
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03-28-2007, 05:27 AM

I took a step foward, walking into the darkness, only the soft glow of my keyblade giving off light. The walls had large holes in them, and boards were laying across the floor. The air was still, and all was quiet. I rounded a corner, not seeing the chair laying on the floor, and tripped, falling foward and dropping the keyblade on front of me. When I let go, the light from it disappeared, plunging me in total darkness. Panic seized me and I desperately reached out in front of me, feeling for my keyblade, not finding it. I stopped and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened them, starting to sweep my hands across the floor, slowly inching foward. There! Feeling the chain, I grabbed it and the soft light illuminated the room once again. Sighing deeply, I stood up, starting to walk foward again. Uh oh, I forgot to stick to the wall, and the trail split. I grimaced and took the left path, careful to follow the wall this time.
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