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(#37 (permalink))
Kanji_The_Wanderer's Avatar
Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
Posts: 1,583
Join Date: Oct 2006
Meggis 10th Post - 03-28-2007, 06:48 AM

I round a corner and someone collides into me. The impact from the hit makes me stumble back and drop the lighter. As it crashes to the ground it goes out. I turn to the side and there is Lyynn holding her keyblade which is giving off a soft glow. Not a blinding light, but it allows you to see comfortably enough to see through this labyrinth. "Lyynn there you are. Are you alright?" I place my hand on her shoulder to mke sure she is okay. But I quickly take it back. "I found a door." she says to me. We move back down her end of the hall. We end up coming to a large door. I step in front of her and push the large door open. It creeks as the hinges turn. Stale air escapes from the inner chamber. We enter the room. I feel the walls and come upon a light fixture. I flip the switch and a chandelier overhead turns on powerful lights that fill the entire room. It appears to be some sort of lab. There is a desk and books everywhere. I also see vast numbers of parchment and scrolls. Could this be the lab of Ansem that I was looking for. I walk around the room and start to examine these old items.
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