Originally Posted by komitsuki
More like I'm disappointed with the West. I had given the West a chance to change my view and now I just want to ignore the West.
I wasn't always the "I hate the West very much" type of person.
I have my differences with western countries and Eastern countries but i still dont think anyone side is better than the other. YOu have put the east on the pedestal without even realizing it and your arguments are ruled by it i dont even know if you have realized it that you debates lately have been ruled more animosity than logic. Even though i dont comment all the time you know i follow these threads closely.
Even though i dont agree with all your views i respected you because it didnt seem like you were full of hate. When spoke we through PM you assured me you were not a hateful person now you are going back on the words you stated. Which is why i stated I was disappointed.
Trust me there are many things about the East that frankly piss the F*&^% off and have disappointed me more times than i care to remember,but even then i dont feel that way about it how you do about the west. Im not going to try to change your mind you have the right to feel and think however you chose. Im just shocked that its actually come down to east vs west.
dont be so sure the west will fall and the east will prevail its more believable the entire world would suffer together.