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09-14-2009, 10:20 PM

Originally Posted by karakhitan View Post
Why is it so important to you that a single country goes out and split another country apart? Nelson Mandela said America is Biggest human rights violators in the world. I see some truth in that. (how they invade a country every 5 years or so) Why are you so keen on supporting the American domination of other countries and other peoples, and their task to destabilize other peoples lives?

Middle East is already ruined in the name of "democracy", along with lives of millions of people. Weddings have been bombed in the name of "democracy", women and children have been shot, raped, killed in the name of "fighting for freedom". Mosques and hospitals have been blown up in the name of "human rights"... and people like you support it without a second thought. the continuation of such atrocities is just terrible.
Not that i support either of them fully in their arguments. But im amazed at how you simplified this argument. Just so you know Ronin4hire is actually a stanch US critic so 90% of your argument has been killed right there, actually read what he wrote and why he supports the US on this particular matter. 2nd you have to look at where they differ on Tibetan issue simplifying the argument by saying spliting apart is not wise and if you read arguments you will see why its not as simple as such.

3rd the middle east is turmoil the same as its been for thousand of years. Lastly if you want to start pointing fingers and human right violations down through the history i have a very long list my friend. Iv said this before and i will say again any person who thinks their country is squeaky clean is not only blind but must shed their naivete.

btw part of my ancestor is heron do you know what happen to them and which country is mainly responsible? The more things change the more they stay when another country steps to the forefront future generations will be having the same arguments except it wont be the US it will be whatever country currently holds the title of superpower.

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