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MissMisa (Offline)
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09-14-2009, 11:19 PM

Originally Posted by SceptileMaster View Post
I've always though Shonen Jump manga were bigger here in the UK than Tokyopop. In Waterstones and other places that sell manga there isn't always a huge amount of Tokyo pop in comparison to Shonen Jump (except in WHSmith's which only seems to Tokyopop manga... maybe they have some kind of deal with the company).

Since I don't have that much manga and just buy them every so often on a casual basis I may be missing some shops that may prove otherwise.
I guess it just depends, in my Waterstones it's mainly Tokyopop, the stand where the manga is is actually labelled Tokyopop, and as you mentioned WHSmith also has mainly all Tokyopop. I haven't seen any other places that stock manga.

In Neo magazine which is I'm pretty sure the only UK anime/manga magazine it features a lot of articles about Tokyopop and the manga industry, Tokyopop gets a lot of bashing to be honest. It's in a pretty bad way it seems.
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