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Sinestra (Offline)
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09-15-2009, 02:19 AM

Basically what i get from guys is this is the way things are dont have any hope in anything because there is no point. komitsuki you are negative about the west 100% so one could never expect to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Its funny i know exactly what you will say but it will make no difference. As said if anyone thinks they can run the world or any other country any better put up or shut up. If you think you can change things run then get your ass in office and stop complaining about it. Its perfectly natural to be negative about a lot of things in this world but when your negative all the time you start to get certain reactions. You guys can hang your heads low and bitch about what the US does. Try turning inwards on yourself and your native country. We might see it in our life time but im not ready to give up on any country yet.

You guys want to bitch about what the US has done. Dont get me started on my people and what they have been through in this country. you do not want me to release that dragon. Yet i still have hope for changes even ever so small ones. America is young country i say its in its angry teenage years it has a long way to go but i have no doubt it will get there.

Komitsuki i know exactly why you and Ronin dont get along and its not for the reasons you have stated its actually so simple you probably glanced over it. I leave the forums and come back ever so often hoping that there has been a positive change around here and each time im disappointed.

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