09-15-2009, 02:54 AM
The US does what it does for it's own interests, true enough.That isn't wrong though, as most countries look out for themselves. I also think the US "interfers" in so many countries cause it has this silly notion that it can fix them. Don't ask me where Americans get this idea from, it's just one of those insane quirks we have. Hell, we think Britian could learn from us and they are America's Mother country.
Some of the stuff the CIA does is to weaken or destabalize areas, I won't deny that. Again, many countries have secret organizations that do the same thing. The CIA just happens to be better at it than most, so they get all the attention.
However, much of what America itself does is ment in good faith, we really are trying to help more often than not. It's just that we are so ignorant of these regions, that we end doing more harm than good, as well as looking all emperialist. Still, America is a shineing light on the hill to alot of folks because of the "promise" it holds. Being free to make it on your own, to be successful, despite gender or creed.
I think the biggest disapointment some people have with the US, is how it doesn't live up to it's own professed ideals very well. I think that's more the human condition as apposed to the ideals themselves.