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09-15-2009, 03:09 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Ironically, in Japan a tea party would prolly actually be about tea.

As to who teaparty folks are in the states. In a nutshell, they are generally folks who think federal government is WAY WAY too big. I tend to be a libertarian/constitutionalist, so I agree with them for the most part. Though yes, It isn't just Obama..the federal government has been growing incrementally for decades reguardless of who was president.
I think they're just the repubs and conservatives and right wingers who didn't get McCain and are pissed so they're taking it out on Obama. Yes, the economy sucks, but whose fault is that? Also, which president did nothing to stop it, even spurred it on? Uh, Bush. If anybody undermined everything about the States and the Constitution it was Bush. Obama is cleaning up the mess right now, and he's got a long way to go. Why are people being so critical of him? Yeesh. Like I said, they're just mad they don't have someone in office to ruin the country and make the world hate us for another 4 years.

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