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Nagoyainfo (Offline)
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Location: Nagoya
Working as a teacher - 09-15-2009, 04:47 AM

Just to add my 2 cents,

To find work as a teacher in Japan can be tough if you're looking to be a real teacher and can be easy if you just want to some kind of assistant or work in a conversation school/.

When I say "real teacher" I mean getting a job in JHS or High school where you take the lessons by yourself usually in Japanese. Alot goes into this type of though - curriculum designed, test writing, exam paper marking etc etc. I have firnds who have been lucky enough to get these types of jobs but they are not easy. In fact.....I think you really have to want to be a teacher to actually enjoy it as essentially, you will be in all respects a "real teacher". Benefit of this is the pay. A language school or ALT job should get you 3 million yen a year. A real teacher job will give you 5million+. If you want to know I've been there myself, contact me. Or visit my webpage and contact me there.
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