Originally Posted by MMM
Before you conclude your reading of this statement as a well-tailored opinion, the uninformed should know that Hans-Hermann Hoppe is by no means a main-stream thinker. He thinks all security should be run by private, for-profit organizations. Eliminate fire, police, court systems, prisons etc. and make them all private. In my opinion these ideas (Anarcho-capitalism) are untested and insane. Actually they aren't completely untested...we have private security forces in Iraq. The problem is, private security forces are for profit. Therefore there is no vested interest in ending war...any war...as to end it puts yourself out of a job. Now apply that to police, fire, court systems, etc.
Have you ever heard of windshield glass companies breaking car windows? Corrupt private tow-truck companies? Private ambulance companies getting paid off to take patients to certain hospitals, even if they were father away? This is "no government regulation". Again, imagine if your police station, prison, and fire house were all for profit...and we complain about government corruption now.
This brings up another popular debate (also in regards to the tea parties). Profit. Profit is not a bad thing in the right place. Some take comfort that a doctor or surgeon is working for profit. Profit isn't evil. Most of us survive on profit, and its a necessary insensitive in most industries.
There are places for profit. Same for amount of regulation in the free market.
Government run entities and government regulation are different concepts. I'd like to see government regulation for a flyer's bill of rights for the airlines. I'd like to see less government run entities to attempt to fix problems.
I think what you are saying is there should be a happy medium for government regulation and private/for profit industry - which a majority of both sides would agree. These tea parties are the result of finding that medium.