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(#193 (permalink))
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DaisukeKigurou (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 100
Join Date: Aug 2009
09-16-2009, 02:54 AM

Thanks! I'm prolly going to take a break from Jrock and any forum of Japanese music. I just need time to think. BTW I did some reasearch on the Japanese music industry and I came a cross some information. I was reading a preview of a book called "The Japanese music industry". Basically a person did an interview of what people in the music industry in Japan are looking for.

These are the three things they look for

1. How they play (meaning their music)

2. Image

3. Uniqueness

I just needed to say that. This still doesn't mean I am NOT going to take a break. But this whole thing about how they all sound the same is BS. I mean just try and compare Dir en grey to The GazettE really do they sound the same? No what about D=out and An Cafe? I to me Japanese bands don't sound the same.
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