Originally Posted by Undertherose25
Would you like someone nagging you if you decided to something you thought was important? Like a diet for instance, what if someone bombed you with facts about how unhealthy it was and how you'll just gain it all back anyway, what's the point? You'd still do it right? Even if the person preaching turned blue in the face.
I hope we're all mature enough not to attack him and tell him 'I told you so'.
No way, that's the best part!
The kid's got spirit, I'll give him that. But the point MMM brought up a few times that isn't getting enough attention is that he's still growing, still developing. He's not a grown man; far from it. So to do something that's been scientifically proven time and again to be harmful and even more so to those who are still developing (remember the phrase "permanent damage"? It means it doesn't go away when you get effed up) is likely to garner some attention.
Sure it's his body. Sure I don't actually care since it doesn't directly affect me. Maybe we're all just exercising our right to be hecklers on the internet. But still there is a hint of genuine concern for my fellow human being. Then again, the gene pool does need some cleaning out...