Originally Posted by TalnSG
Oh, great, yeah just recommend that someone further the stereotype of the offensive foreigner.
I'm sorry; what?
I think the sterio-type here is ignorant Japanese, not offensive foreigner.
I mean, some things are to be respected; I never used to take my shoes off to enter a house in Australia, but you must do it in Thailand. But there can be a point where demands of a country can really go overboard and start to be a bit offensive in themself.
I've got lots of tattoos. They're not intended to offend. Actually, I've two pieces of writing which are English translations of Japanese sayings, and also two symbols which are based on Japanese concepts... and they'd be offended? That's pretty arrogant.
It's like Muslim countries telling men they must grow beards, or women must cover their head, even if you're not Muslim; it isn't very positive or accepting.
If Japanese are offended by basic Western standards, it isn't our fault, and we don't have to change for them.
People should come as they are in a free country; not come as how you're told.
Actually, I'd say it's about the equivalent of the French public schools telling Muslim girls they could not wear their head scarf because it violates school uniform; it's just plain rude.