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Sinestra (Offline)
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09-16-2009, 05:05 AM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
Wasn't the West that divided the world into three and actually promoted this idea? First, second, and third world. Wasn't Samuel Huntington the famous one who said that cultural clashes are inevitable? The West needs conflicts to survive and to maintain itself and this is not the best way of doing it.

Strangely enough, non-Westerners promotes more inter-cultural respect than the West. Greatest examples: Mohammad Khatami (Iranian president, author of Dialogue Among Civilizations) and Ji Xianlin (actively promoted dialogues between China and the West).
Your point being? Cultural clashes have been the route of some of the most brutal clashes (What we dont understand we fear) i truly believe this statement my comment merely stated that a world divided will always be in turmoil because of the fear of the unknown. Our difference is I dont see the west nor the world in this bleak black hole of inevitability. The world has always been divided it has never truly acted as one in the benefit of all. Many countries practiced isolationism for many upon many years including the the US for a time.

To make it short its not just the west whose mindset needs to change. I disagree with your comment "The west needs conflicts to survive and maintain its self" Guess what HUMANITY NEEDS CONFLICTS TO DEFINE ITSELF AND THATS A FACT. You need to get the core root of the problem and its not just an east vs west mindset clash thats just sugar on top. I wont by into a notion that the west is the root of all problem on the planet and i refuse to elevate the east like a porcelain pedestal rising from a river or graciousness and benevolence. Im tired of the damn blame game, im tired of the finger pointing the sooner both sides realize that true and honest dialog can be productive on an international scale not much will change just the same old bitching and whining we hear everyday.

Last edited by Sinestra : 09-16-2009 at 05:11 AM.
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