09-16-2009, 05:12 AM
No, that kind of thinking is for cowardly and not noble people.
If you fight with a rifle, you can chose who you shoot. There is no chance you will make a mistake.
When your time to die comes, it comes. This used to be called the Way of the Warrior; Bushido, in Japan. Nowadays, people call it foolishness, because peasants have replaced Warriors as the ones who make the difficult decisions; but peasants always were cowards and fools.
If your rifle can not win the war, maybe you should go home. Or keep fighting if you wish. You will die. That is war; people die. Warriors die. The true Way is found in death.
Nowadays, however, lowlier folk set out the door to do good in this world. They say they want to protect the innocent. They murder thousands of children. They call themselves Hero. They are soaked stained with the blood of the innocent.
If you wanted to stop your enemy because of the sole reason he treats the innocent poorly and harms them, why do you go and do it yourself? It's because you're a fool.
Yes, doing it my way is not the sure road to physical victory. But being liberated within is much more pure a victory than batheing in the blood of the innocent.
Nowadays, people are stupid. They know not what they do.
Of course having the world over-run by evil because you refuse to lower yourself to their level is a miserable thing. But the solution is not found in becoming what you set out to destroy.
The final and greatest challenge of a Warrior is learning to accept defeat; in all its forms.
The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…
For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…
Last edited by Tenchu : 09-16-2009 at 05:18 AM.