09-16-2009, 02:20 PM
Also, to put more spin on it, in some countries, getting tattoos is custom and very important. A lot of Africans have those baroque tattoos on their face, as do Maoris. And in Thailand, monks and Muay Thai fighters ger covered in Sak Yant charm tattoos to bring them skill, power or wisdom.
Exluding a Thai monk from an event because he attended a traditional Buddhist temple in the past and got tattoos is little different than just outright putting a sign up like "No Jews" or "No Muslims".
It's time Japan realized it's not the center of the universe.
The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…
For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…