JF Old Timer
Posts: 740
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Alaska
09-16-2009, 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Ryzorian
America was taken off the Gold standard by FDR and the Silver Standard by Nixon. But the bad loan situation is what started the current mess. It really hasn't pulled out of it's tailspin either, the 'recovery" is just a thin shell, we will have to see what happens through this next year. Government getting involved though, will just extend the problem.
The US isn't a true Democracy by the way, It's a Republic. Leastways, that's how it was orginally designed. True Democracy is basically mob rule, kinda Like how France ended up with Napolean.
“When a government is dependent upon [federal] bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815