Thread: Tattoo
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JF Ossan
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09-16-2009, 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post

This strikes me as something like burning books, or destroying artwork that is not your taste. It's just wrong. There is no way a tattoo can hurt a person, so banning them is as far from democracy as angels can fly.


That's not a very good assesment. And what does not speaking Thai have to do with it? I'm learning it, and getting pretty good. It does not change how I feel about some things.

Anyway, I'd challenge you to give some examples of this about me that would hold any water. I only have a few issues about Thailand, and they're pretty solid; nationalism here and unconditional respect for their King is enforced through what constitutes to brainwashing. Adherance to these traditions is coerced in methods similar to those used by the CIA to interogate terrorist suspects into compliance.

Other things, such as my disrespect for criminals and rip off merchants, they're pretty straight forward, but still put me apart from many Thais; such as my objection to prostitution as a solution to poverty.

Someone telling me I have no right to sift the bullshit out of this country when this'll be the play pen for my young, that's pretty arrogant.

Before the kid's even born, I'm fighting with my wife because of this; I refuse to send any offspring to a Thai school here. Reason being the brainwashing they use to tame people.

As if there's a point to Thai school... my wife's sister is a teacher; she has no idea what Roman numerals are. I'd have to be 10 times smarter than her; I can home school.

In Japanese culture your body is considered a gift from your parents. To mark it up is considered an insult to your father and mother. Even piercing was relatively rare until the most recent generations.

Tattoos are associated with the yakuza, where they literally give their bodies to their "new parents" so to speak. The tattoos show an undying dedication to their yakuza boss.

That's tattoo culture in Japan, and I hope that answers your question.

Here's an example:
Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
On the other hand, Japanese who cannot come to terms with the innocent concept of foreigners getting tattoos are culturally insensitive d***s, and deserve to have it rubbed in.

I'd say just be yourself, wear what you want.
This is exactly the attitude I see in usually non-Japanese speaking foreigners in Japan who get frustrated after a few months or more of living in Japan.

I don't think I am the one being arrogant. But this isn't about you and me.

Japan doesn't see itself as the center of the universe, but it does see itself as the center of Japan, and to come into a foreign country and say "I am doing things my way, like it or not" is the top of the heap of arrogance. New visitors should be quite the opposite: least until they know their way around.
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