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clintjm (Offline)
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09-16-2009, 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Healthcare in the US is fundamentally flawed. I know it because I have seen it with my own two eyes. I know people that fly to Japan to get medical procedures done because the insurance they pay for refuses to treat them and it is cheaper to buy a plane ticket and fly to Japan to get medical help than it is to do it here.
I've heard these cases too where someone flies home to get treatment. But I want to see these example holding a gold plated insurance policy in both their home country and in the US. Every time I hear the real details of these cases, it always turns out that insurance plans are a comparison of apples to oranges, or simply there wasn't any health plan held in the US.

At the same time we will never refuse treatment at the ER no matter who you are, no matter if one can pay it our not, no matter if you just have a cut on their finger or need a $50 aspirin.

"Fundamentally" though I think may be a bit strong, as the administrative will have us believe.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
No other industrialized nation in the world has no national health plan. Are they all perfect? Far from it...but some are better than others. Regardless, what we have now stinks. It's partially because of our litigious nature, but health care are too high for the average American to pay for them. As a result we all end up paying more. SOMETHING needs to be done. I don't think the president is saying "my way or the highway"...he said the very opposite last Wednesday. But I agree killing his plan for the sake of killing it is not an option unless you have an alternative strategy. Enough of not facing the health care issue.
Well, what I got from the speech was "my door is always open" followed by, as long as the public option is in the plan. And basically Tort reform may be something we need to look at, and I'll have my trial lawyer look into putting trial lawyers out of business; not going to happen.

Lets be clear about that "Health care" isn't flawed, it health insurance and the cost of care that is high. All human beings deserve access to quality health care. Thats a faith principle. The US has that. The US is #1 in responsiveness to a medical emergency.

I don't want to the US be another Canada situation. I don't want to see what the US has that does work, broken by this. The administration is at the point now where it can do real reform and regulation, but to tune out all other options besides a public option at the unsustainable cost proposed seems a bit reckless.

These are all very good points to see these issues from both sides.
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