Originally Posted by IcewindDude
In the US? I am not saying you are wrong, but what kind of place in the US would bar you from entering because of a tattoo? People would be all over them for rights infringements. Unless it's private property where ANYTHING the owners don't like can have you legally barred (even racism or sexism or whatever), I don't know where else this could apply.
Well, actually, I have been refused jobs before because of my tattoos. Mostly when it involves the public or customer relations. My friend works at a movie theater and they don't just stop at barring tattoos. You have to wear you hair a certain way, a certain color, and a certain length. You have to wear dress shoes, of a certain type, and only black. Women may have ponytails, but must be tucked into their hat that they must wear at all times. So I consider myself lucky that I found a job in which they allow me to wear pretty much whatever I want.