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YukisUke (Offline)
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09-17-2009, 02:16 AM

Originally Posted by Megabyte117 View Post
Hiromu Arakawa didn't want an completely faithful imagining of her work, she told them to end it differently, and they did. Or should it have turned into what Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece have become? Bloated with fillers and mediocre episodes.

Sure, it might be nice to see the manga on the big screen being animated, but now that it is an anime, maybe those studios can take the opportunity and be creative and introduce a new perspective to the series.

Watching Evangelion 1.0 was pretty boring as it was more or less, shot for shot, the same as the first series. However Evangelion 2.0 is very different from the original series and as a whole, much more entertaining while still incorporating certain scenes.

Baka? Really? lol. This comment definitely affirms it. You want an incredibly faithful adaptation or you'll get upset and whine about how different it is.
I'm not gonna whine about anything. I may like anime and manga, but i'm not one of those FANS you think i am. I just wish that they make animes according to the manga rather than against it. Fillers or not. I can sense your attitude from this comment, and i don't like it. All I said was what I felt about the topic. If you don't like it, I don't care. And I did say I held off from calling you a baka, so don't get your tighty whiteys in a twist. LOL.
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