Originally Posted by akinkhoo
furthermore, China is investing heavily on mass transit, I believe the future is not in Cars, but effective cities where you can go anywhere you want in 20 mins without even needing to look for a parking spot. so you are quite right that convenience is what would win the day; only that Cars are no longer a conveniences! 
I too believe that cars will play a lesser role in the future. However mass transit is not convenient for large areas and rural areas. I live in the suburbs and dear god if i did not have a car it would take forever to get anywhere. However if i moved to DC where mass transit is readily at hand i would not have a car. I think mass transit will take a bigger hold in cities hell even the US is slowly but surly expanding public transportation. For the people who choose to live outside cities electric cars and hydrogen would be the best fit.
China needs more public transportation and less cars till that smog issue is taken care of.