Thread: Post a poem!!!
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(#615 (permalink))
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VampireGirl1314 (Offline)
~I cant leave you~
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09-17-2009, 02:19 PM

Black shadows lurk around the corner
annoy me in my dreams
take away any good energy
why did it have to be me
the one to be beaten
the one to be messed with
and frightened
where did i go wrong?
or maybe it wasn't me who went wrong,
but my parents
how did i end up turning out the way i am
turning out to be a child frightened and sad
movies don't scare
but the house does
why am i frightened
why am i in hiding
why cant i fight this
and think of it as being just a movie?

Look into my eyes
i know they are full of sadness and all your lies
where has the gateway to heaven gone
the love and happiness everyone knows
where did this hate come from
where will it go
i'm sure no one really knows
i always had to live in this world
and i know i cant always run away from my fears
the world is my fear
but i cant run away
because the world will forever haunt me
as i run i always think
never thought i would end up seeing something
someone death in front of me
something i never want to see.

I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
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