09-17-2009, 04:20 PM
I have both, but I use my PSP more often. It's just that a lot of the games I have on the DS are "remakes"(I have pretty much EVERY Final Fantasy "remake" for the GBA and DS), and I'm tired of playing "remakes".
Sure, it may have a longer battery life by and large, however, PSP has Monster Hunter Freedom Unite(Portable 2nd G), it will have Shin Megami Tensei: Persona next week, I think next month Silent Hill: Shattered Memories will be out(even though many will say things like,"It's better on the Wii!"), it will have Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, Phantasy Star Portable, and it has the Playstation Network.
Most of the time, I use my DS coupled with Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy as my alarm clock.