Could you correct my English?
"We are entering the realm of the unknown."
Yukio Hatoyama took office as prime minister, and gave his inaugural address on Sep 16. “We are entering the realm of the unknown” is a part of the speech.
He talked he would achieve to avert involvement in bureaucratic meddling in politics, and stop wasting tax money. He promised to make best efforts with sense of responsibility.
And then, he said he might fail soemthing learning by mistake. After this, he continued, “We are entering the realm of the unknown.” Then he said he wanted people to be tolerant.
You would feel strange to hear this, wouldn’t you? This is the Japanese way to say.
I think an American President would never say like this.
Some Japanese people don’t like a person who has too much confidence when the person begins something. For example, a Japanese new recruit would say he/she doesn’t know anything, does need help, and doesn’t have any confidence, even if he/she knows well about the business and has confidence. If you say you are full of confidence when you are new, you arouse opposition.
Despite that, I believe “We might fail” was extravagance.
This is the inaugural address in Japanese. Sorry, we don’t have it in English.
Thank you.